A Good Article Addressing Paedocommunion

I commend Eric Landry, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Austin, TX, for his helpful comments on paedocommunion. Who we admit to our Lord’s Table is of utmost importance. Let us think Biblically, carefully, wisely, and with great humility. Let us also consider the historic confessions of the Reformed churches in the world. Reflecting on church history and confessional history will only serve to continue to reform and protect Christ’s church.

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J. C. Ryle on the Value of a Mortified Will

“Would we know whether we are born again, and growing in grace? Let us see how it is with us in the matter of our wills. Can we bear disappointment? Can we put up patiently with unexpected trials and vexations? Can we see our pet plans, and darling schemes crossed without murmuring and complaint? Can we sit still, and suffer calmly, as well as go up and down and work actively? These are the things that prove whether we have the mind of Christ. It ought never to be forgotten, that warm...

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A Marriage Made in Heidelberg (2): Helping Your Spouse Find True Comfort  

Here’s a little review from the last episode. Marriage is indeed sacred, and marital happiness is elusive but attainable. Marriage demands persistence, and most of all, marriage is in desperate need of the gospel. Every day is an occasion for hope, another opportunity to catch marital happiness by Spirit-wrought faith, persistence, repentance, forgiveness, patience, and an unstopping pursuit of God’s glory in all of life. We cannot expect our spouse to be the ultimate source of our comfort...

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A Marriage Made in Heidelberg (1): True Comfort in Marriage

This new series on marriage is aimed mostly at married couples who would like to strengthen their marriage. That said, if you’re engaged or dating, there’s a lot here for you as well. Maybe your marriage is in trouble. Maybe it’s stale. Maybe it’s going well. Whatever the case, why don’t you join me in this podcast journey? I think you’ll learn something that applies to your marriage or situation. Who do you know that could benefit from short encouragements on marriage? Share this...

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Strengthened by the Supper (7): The Lord’s Supper Strengthens You to Truly Love  

Let’s say it’s a beautiful day outside and you’re taking a stroll in the park. You study your shadow, and you notice just how much it looks like you. It’s an image of you. It’s connected to you. You start to run, and it follows you. It does what you do. Your shadow is affixed to you. Your shadow cannot be detached from you . . . unless you’re Peter Pan. Keith Mathison uses this helpful illustration in his little book titled The Lord’s Supper to explain the spiritual presence of...

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Strengthened by the Supper (6): The Mystery & Grace of the Lord’s Supper

A bicycle is a pretty simple machine, but I doubt you understand the science behind how a bike works. I certainly don’t. According to interestingengineering.com, several theories about how bikes remain stable have been disproven (the gyroscopic theory and the caster theory). [1] A bike is a simple machine, and yet, the exact mechanism that makes a bicycle stable is a mystery. Okay, if a simple machine involves mysteries that scientists can’t figure out or explain, how much more are the...

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Strengthened by the Supper (5): Why Did Jesus Give You the Lord’s Supper to Eat & Drink?  

In my experience, many Christians struggle to understand what they believe and to find the right words to communicate what they believe. This is where creeds, confessions, and catechisms help Christians immensely. They define and explain things in simple terms—terms children can learn and understand—and unite Christians around a common understanding of Scripture. Creeds, confessions, and catechisms communicate, “This is what we believe as Christians, and this is what we do not believe.”...

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Strengthened by the Supper (4): Jesus Will Nourish & Sustain You

Before I begin to unpack Article 35 of the Belgic Confession, let me make an important clarification for this podcast. The sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God, inerrant, infallible, and the only rule or authority for faith and life (WCF 1:2). The ecumenical creeds and Reformed confessions and catechisms do not replace Scripture nor are they equal to Scripture. Please listen carefully. Scripture alone is the Word of God, however, the ecumenical creeds and...

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