THIS CONTENT HAS BEEN REMOVED On Thursday, November 2, I released an episode titled “Secular Counseling vs. the Sufficiency of Christ & His Word.” It was part of my series titled “A Marriage Made in Heidelberg.” I removed the episode from my podcast as well as the transcript here. Listen to my explanation in the above SPECIAL episode.
Tag - Heidelberg Catechism 31
Life is often busy. We are often on the move thinking about what we are doing or what we need to do. Our busyness sometimes diverts our attention from how Jesus serves us every day. We like to get things done. Achievement feels good. But sometimes in our daily routine, we lose sight of who God is and what He is doing for us. As Christians, we are sometimes more like Martha than we are Mary – we think more about serving Jesus than Jesus serving us. Martha opened her home to Jesus and...